I am melting.
Last time I did this I was drunk. And it was like 60 months ago. I was told I should probably update it. UPDATE!
Since then I have eaten a copius (sp) amount of watermelon, made new friends (my pet rats, more on that later), started two classes that I need to graduate (wack), and generally just been riding my bike all day. Though the rain has killed that dream 8 or 9 times.
Life is going ok. I'm pretty bored with still being a student and can't wait till August 24th. Thats my last day of class I think. It might be sooner. Otherwise, all is going well. I've just been (like i said) riding my bike and pretending to do my homework early. I stay up too late and sleep in too much. I also go through these phases where I want to pack up and move somewhere new altogether. I get over it pretty quick, in like a day, but for that day I HATE everything lol. I just want to move to Vancouver or wherever and be someone new. But then I wake up and Im like pshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Life is good. WTF. I am such a baby. I guess its because everyone has started with their lives and I haven't.
Katherine came over last night to my hot, hot, no air conditioned room and cut my hair. Well technically that happened in my kitchen. I showed her a picture of Sara Quin (of T&S) and she got to cutting. I of course forgot that Sara and I don't look the same at ALL. Last night I did not like my hair too much. This morning I am happy. Even though sometimes I look like Angela Anaconda or Ringo Star. Katherine did a great job. Here is a picture to illustrate how I wear my hair now: ignore the fact that I am in class.
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