Dear lord good friends!
Has it really been this long? I am in shock! But not really. I guess I forgot something other than Gmail, Twitter and looking up videos and pictures of my darling Sasa Quin exsisted online. But to be fair, there are lots of beautiful/hilarious pictures/videos of her and Tegan I must see. Its quite the undertaking.
A word of caution, unless you have about 3years of your life to spare, starting now..I wouldn't continue reading.

Since summer I guess a whole lot has happened but most of which I cannot remember or would rather not due to a mixture of bad/good decisions and a whole lot of vodka and rum. Don't worry, I think it was a phase. I am currently only making those same decisions and some new ones without the help of my lovely refreshing fronds..well, about 90% of the time.. :)

My giant little brother has gone off to South Carolina for Army training and has since returned for a two week holiday break which found him bald, much thinner, and saying things like "yes mam" to random women at checkout lines (he has yet to say it to momma bear and I). Here is a picture of Ricky with my mom looking all adorable and related. Our family picture was captured by an aunt with shaky I don't exsist. I felt this to be almost better, I have realized. I am not photogenic.

Be aware, that my brother is a mythical creature on film. My mother, with her eyes open in a picture is also very elusive. All in all this shot, is like capturing bigfoot for me. This is a remarkable moment. Look at them! SO CUTE :)

Xmas and New Years were both super fun occasions, both spent in Boston with my lovely lovely family and some of my refreshing fronds. We spent pretty much 4 days partying hard for the end of 2009. Because let's face it, 2009 can suck it. Also because not only was Ricky going back to bootcamp but my ridiculous cousin Andy was also leaving the day after for Marines bootcamp. Oh, those boys. I got my ear pierced in drunken boredom by my cousin Erika who is adorable and has a steady hand. And played LOTS of Super Mario Wii and RockBand. I am now an expert at sining off pitch. Impressive. Here is a pic with 2 of the 100 amazing cousins I have. I will post a pic soon to illustrate this point. It's amazing. :) Like I said, pardon. Unphotogenic.

Momma bear and I have joined our local gym at an attempt "to get in shape this year, hija!" It was a dollar to join and ten a month. This is how it goes. My mom and I hit the gym for about 1.5 hours, working hard and making "working hard" faces to each other from across the gym. I mostly just run and watch Ellen. We then cry about how much more delish everything looks when you are trying to lose weight, so we eat some cheese or a cookie and watch some tv instead. Where every commercial is for food. It did not help that we watched Julie & Julia on our first day at the gym. Now my mom wants to buy the cooking book and teach me to cook! This is not what I was expecting..

I am still unemployed and confused. Sometimes, I am all about doing graphic design and I miss it *mucho*. And then sometimes I think that I would rather just move to Montreal and learn french and work in a super market, or plant some potatoes somewhere. And then I realize, what I realized at the gym. I have pretty weak arms, bad for farming. I need to bulk up then. Potato sacks are heavy. I guess I will keep looking for a "job job" until I can compete in the Worlds Strongest Woman comp.

In sad news, cause there was a lot at the end of the that my lovely mocha had to be put to bedtime forever in November. It sucked. I cried. Its quiet, but I suppose less hairy around here. Also my lovely brah brah, my rat...or rather one of them, either froze to death or had a heart attack. What I though was an adorable condition (chronic hiccup) probs did him in. It sucked. I cried. I buried him in my backyard.

I rode my bike a lot lot, got hit at least one more time by the stupendous RI drivers I love so much and I finally saw TEGAN & SARA in concert after missing out like 6 times on seeing them since high school. God I love them. Halloween show. EPIC. 1992 Julianne Moore. SARA IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE. I mean look at her. (On left) But for realz. These girls. Both kill me.

Lets see, the problem is its been so long I don't remember half of the things that have happenend. And the other part of the problem is that I have such a major crush right now that its all I can think about. As my boy back in my youth (big pun) pointed out : "Im not a player, I just crush alot" This is true about me. I can't help that I fall in love about every 5 minutes. People need to stop being so goddam charming and flirty and adorable on top of having magificent jawlines and being tall and beautiful and shit. It just confuses me. And gets me in trouble with other people who are equally charming and have magnificent collarbones and or hipbones. JEEEZ. I swear at any given time of the day I think that 6 different people are THE LOVE OF MY LIFE. This is only going to get more frustrating as I progress in age.

Right now I have been applying to jobs and playing video games. Its like I'm 16 again. Only when I was 16 I was playing Zelda instead of this violent zombie killing and nazi killing games. I have also begun playing my guitar alot and writing more to keep my brain from buzzing itself to death. I am currently re-organizing my bed so I have been sleeping in Rickys room. Which makes ALOT of noise. Is it haunted? I don't know. But Lyndz and Joanna you will both be cuddling up in here so be prepared lol. I am very much looking forward to seeing Cynthia and Lyndz and Joanna this weekend. Its been to long. I've missed you girls like I miss the wildberry poptarts. THATS ALOT!

Ok enough, I always get insulted when people tell me I talk alot, but now I see...Wow, thanks for reading. You are a true friend. Bored? Yeah I know it. I am sleepy.

Always off to bed,

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